Local Water Done Well Policy has redesigned how councils will deliver water services to their customers. This presentation will provide a brief overview of what Local Water Done Well means and the development status of the National Engineering Design Standards.


Emily Botje

Emily has 30 years of experience in delivering asset management services to local and central governments and is currently a Technical Director at Beca. Emily has held several leadership positions including national lead in asset management the three waters reform, water services manager and facilities management at Hamilton City Council.

Emily enjoys creating a strong and robust asset management story that is relatable to governance, decision makers and the customer. Weaving together vision and outcomes, current and future service needs, operational and maintenance requirements and financial forecasting, Emily can identify risks, efficiencies and opportunities to ensure an optimised, enhanced and sustainable service provision is achieved. Emily has the ability to bring people together, creating united and engaged teams that share a common vision to successfully deliver asset management solutions that showcase innovation and deliver desired outcomes.



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